First day Of Grade 1!

As a child a year of school was interminable and I am finding as an adult, that year is gone before it even feels like it started. Today was Hannah's last day of Grade 1; the beginning of her first ever real summer holidays. Kindergarten didn't really count as it was only twice a week... That is what she said anyways. By chance she wore the same shirt today that she wore on her first day of school so I couldn't resist the before and after shot. I have officially become that mom...and I love it!
I will be the first to admit that Hannah can be a challenging little person. This year has confirmed for me that if nothing else! My apologies to her teachers... This year has confirmed many other things for me as well. So here are 10 randoms on what I have learned about Hannah and school this year.
1. She might be the poster child for ADHD...wanna ride bikes?
2. She is a social butterfly, just like her mother was. She knows all the kids names in just about every grade, she knows who everyone is related to and can strike up a conversation with any of them.
3. She loves people a lot. Every teacher has told me if they feel a little person hugging
them...they then know Hannah is out and about because it is almost always her hugging them. I love that our teachers in our small town school can hug her back.
4. She has a great sense of humour. Lots of the stories I have heard about her involve her and her funny antics. She loves to make people laugh!
5. Watching her go from learning a few sight words to snuggled in bed reading a chapter book may have been one of my favourite progressions ever...even better than the crawling to walking (and she gets into less stuff now!)
6. I have to really be commited to her daily school routine. Helping with spelling tests means successful spelling tests...She is needing that support at home if she wants to be successful...and it is really special time to be with her.
7. They learn a lot in school and my daughter (like everyones kids I'm sure...) is a sponge. She can talk urban vs. rural and herbivore vs. carnivore...very cool!
8. Hannah has some really awesome friends. It encourages me to think that she is a good friend back. Learning lessons like apologising if you were rude, standing up for what is right, and caring for those you love are lessons that will serve her for the rest of her life.
9. My daughter has the weirdest sense of what is leaving your socks in your desks for weeks on end...or creating a pencil lead
10. School can be/is fun. She is super excited to be on summer vacation this year since we have a lot of fun stuff planned but she can hardly wait to be in Grade 2. That tells me that school is fun...or Hannah would be praying..."anywhere but here...anywhere but here"
Last Day Of Grade 1!

I love these pics Catherine!!! I am totally going to copy your idea for 10 Randoms!!! And I also want to link your blog on mine??? Let me know - not very good at this blog etiquette thing!!!